Apr 03, 2005 14:13
Well umm what to say.... Thursday was good but Friday's church was really awesome. We had a big night on prayer and it was really great. Hope Daniel had fun too, it was his first night. Umm yesterday was a pretty bludgy day, didnt do much, not that there was much to do except work. Iv spent the last few days trying to get a few things that i have to do in order so taht when i go back to Singapore the world will continue revolving....lol. Honestly im still thinking about that journal u wrote Liz, from a psychologists point of view very interesting... Church this morning was amazing as always, Ps Robert Ferguson brought a wonderful word continuing his series on the 'Ladder.' Got maths class today, still havent finished my homework but there's more stuff to do. Working on a new project that maybe some of u guys will find out about soon... still in the concept phase but it's sumfin iv had on my heart to do for awhile so maybe we'll c....
Sorry to end on such a vague note but, i dunno, what Liz wrote is still buzzing round my head.
Well byez :)