Why are the days so short?

Jan 23, 2025 21:49

And no, I don't mean them darkening early in winter. Actually, we have no light at least an hour longer than, say, in early December. But the usable hours fly by with such a frightening speed - how is it Thursday evening again?

Of course, the fact that I was on a shopping tour around midday might have played a role today. I was only away for a little longer than two hours, but that meant the day was broken into two fairly short parts, with and even shorter break in the middle. Granted, I could have gone in the early morning... theoretically. But getting up early when you're staying up deep into the night isn't easy. Even so, with barely six hours of sleep I was befuddled all day, despite a short nap in the afternoon.

In any case, I worked a bit on the girl doll's dress. It consist of two identical panels (well, as identical as I'm capable of making any two things, which is not much), and I've almost finished one of those. Whether it will be the front panel or the back one depends on which of the two will turn out prettier - that one will go front. Yeah, it's all about appearances. *g*

I've also started typing up Chapter 4 of EMV II, which is good. The story has only five chapters, so I actually might finish transcribing it to the computer in a reasonably short time. *fingers crossed* When that's done, I might try bringing up enough brainpower to continue EMV III. I'm at a point where I have to describe a duel between Malcolm Reed and a female Klingon warrior, and that would need the right mindset... and a lot more sleep. We'll see.

Social and family life was represented by two phone calls, one to a colleague who's managed to break her leg (again) and one to H. and the set of grandchildren who live in the same house. So, it was a fairly busy day, but tomorrow I attempt to do more things for myself.

domestic stuff, writing, friends, crafts, family

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