Advent 2024 - Day 10

Dec 10, 2024 20:32

Today, I've delivered the Christmas cookies to six out of eight recipients. The others will have to wait until next week, since they no longer work at the school and therefore I couldn't just put the boxes down on their desk in the teachers' room. *g*

Choir practice went well enough in the absence of our choir leader (her husband has fallen ill); her usual replacement took over, which was necessary, considering that our Christmas concert takes place on Saturday.

Our programme is:
- 3 Hungarian Christmas songs, reworked for two voices, which we sing together with the children's choir;
- Bach: Ich steh' an deiner Krippe;
- Karai: A szép Szűz Mária (a Christmas-themed lullaby);
- Fischer: Ave Maria;
- What Child is This (I hardly had to introduce that one, have I?)
- Bach: Gloria sei dir gesungen
- Bárdos: Christmas lullaby
- Csendes a puszta (a piece for three voices, based on a traditional German Christmas song).

This time I get to be in the solo group (meaning two persons each from sopranos, mezzo and contralto), which makes the concert all the more special for me. I only regret that Mum can't be there. I'll show you the recording, of course, but that isn't the same.

In other news, I've almost finished Christmas card #39. It was a very easy-looking pattern yet turned out to be anything but. I'm sure I've made a lot of mistakes, but the really hard parts are done, all I'll have to add tomorrow are a few little details and the card body, which is a relief. I'll try to make a 40th one, just because I've got this thing for round numbers, but if I don't manage, then I don't manage.

My choirmates have brought me some more empty toilet rolls, so more surprise boxes will be made tomorrow. For today I'm completely done in.

choir, christmassy things, crafts

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