Starting with the good part: I've baked another 4 batches of biscuits; now I'm up to 11 sorts. Two of them are decorated already, the third one doesn't need any decoration (it has mini-marshmallows that look very funny when molten inside the cookies) and the fourth one will be easy to decorate, so I can do it in the morning and box them by the evening.
Speaking of the morning: I woke up to the unpleasant surprise of the dratted balcony leaking again. By everything that's holy, we've spent a fortune on the stupid thing, and it's still not fixed! *insert swear words of your choice* So, Mum's calling the janitor tomorrow again. *sigh*
By all that baking I really didn't have much time for anything else. I've been inspired by this YouTube video:
Click to view
and started making something similar, only not from a plastic bottle but from a thick and wide cardboard roll. We'll see if I come anywhere with it.
For writing there was no time (and energy) left, either. I wrote one single sentence, just to prove that I have written something, which was my
picowrimo goal (as usual).
And now I'm very, very tired - small wonder, considering that I was chopping dates and various nuts for today's baking session from 11.30pm to 2.10am. I really, really need a new chopper.