Mum had her weekly shower today. And we washed her hair. Complete with the chiropodist's visit yesterday, now she's all prettied up, from head to toe. *g*
We also might have found a new cleaning lady; spoke with her on the phone today. She'll call us back next week when her working schedule for November arrives (her main job calls for different working days, apparently). I hope this one is going to work. This flat is really too much for me every other week. What can I say? I'm lazy and weak.
We still had leftovers, so there was no need to cook. Thus I spent a lovely time writing, crafting, watching crap telly and talking to my friend Evie on the phone. I wish we had more days like this one.
Oh, and "our house" (aka the ltd that makes things for us) apparently decided that we'll join the organic waste selection programme. No-one has actually asked us, as the ones who'd have to do the whole thing, of course. Now, I theoretically agree with the idea, but they should have organized the whole thing a bit differently. We - as every single household - are getting a 5-litre bin that we'll have to empty into one large bin behind the house once it is filled. Now, these flats generally have a 16 square metre kitchen, half of which is filled with built-in furniture (cupboards, sinks and the likes). The other half is filled with big things we've put in, like fridges, freezers, tables to eat and so on. We already have one bag for the selective garbage (plastic and paper), one for the returnable glass and plastic flagons and tins, and a third one for communal garbage. In that kitchen. Now another bin is coming to it - where are we supposed to cook and eat, I ask you?
Okay, I feel better now, having gotten this off my chest.