Sooo, my (ex-)colleagues - some of them still active in slave labour, others retired like me - are (hopefully) coming next Saturday for our usual term-opening party (an excellent chance for the still active ones to rant about how much worse things have gotten at school since last term), and I decided to try out some new recipes. I wanted to make
amaretti morbidi and
pasticcini morbidi al pistacchio, just because they both looked so good. The only problem is: these recipes use egg whites only. Now, since eggs are pricely (like everything else in these days), plus nothing is allowed to go to waste in our household, I needed two other recipes; ones that use egg yolks only. So I also baked
and these:
It was a bit of a risky undertaking, as the coconut crescents were the only ones I'd made before, but they all turned out quite well. I'll make a photo when I've baked the rest of the biscuits to present my (hopefully) impressive table. ;))
Naturally, this excessive baking didn't really leave time for anything else but the usual daily chores. But that's okay. These are biscuits that will keep in a cookie tin well till next Saturday, and that means I've got the greater part of my baking plan done. Yay!
Now I'm going to make some transcribing, so that the quasi-finished story can get to my beta withing this eternity.