Mar 25, 2024 19:08
... even for buying enormous chocolate bunnies for a ridiculously high price, it seems.
Today I went to the hairdresser's to get a much-needed haircut (I was looking like a particularly neglected mop), and on my way there I paid the Müller drugstore a brief visit. They usually have glorious things before Christmas or Easter - not only cosmetics but sweets, too. And yes, they did have the one kilo giant Lindt Goldhase. Unfortunately, they sell those things for a much higher price than the Lindt shop itself.
I was tempted. Oh, I was very much tempted indeed. I multiplied the price I bought the 200-gram bunny at Lindt by five in my head, and if the Müller price had been somewhere around those results, I might have given in to the temptation. But it was almost twice as much. And I decided that I'd only go so far in my madness and left the drugstore empty-handed. (I might go back after Easter to see whether they had reduced the price of all the stuff they couldn't sell, but that's another matter entirely.)
Otherwise I didn't do much today. All right, I put up the rest of the felt eggs in my study, so that it's all prettied up now, but aside from that... I could have time for writing, but I felt hopelessly uninspired and read fanfic and played Solitaire on Methuselah-the-laptop instead. Shameful, I know. But now that the two urgent craft projects are out of my hair, I feel a bit like a deflated balloon, unable to bring up the energy for anything, really.
silly things