Nov 20, 2022 19:34
Somehow I didn't get a lot done today, despite the fact that I got up in time. I worked a bit on the red helicopter page, finishing the helicopter itself (save for a tiny detail) and putting together the background design. Unfortunately, the helicopter looks as if it had a toothache (getting a smile right on felt isn't easy), and some other details aren't how I'd have liked them, but they will have to do.
Other than that, I took down the dried laundry, made Topfenknödel for lunch... and not much else, to be honest. I had originally planned to at least type up what little I had managed to write recently, but felt terribly unmotivated, so I just played solitaire on my geriatric laptop. *sigh*
Tomorrow will be busy, but not as busy as it would have been originally. Our cleaning lady has caught a bad cold, so she cancelled. Mum and I will do a bit of quick cleaning, of course, but compared with the frenzy a "proper" cleaning means, it will be almost comfortable. And since we still have leftover cauliflower casserole (or whatever it is called in English when you bake over the things in the oven with cheese sauce), I won't even have to cook! Which is good, as I'll have to make a food run, since the fridge is basically empty.
domestic stuff,
writer's block,