Memorial Day

May 26, 2006 19:37

Another excuse for a three-day holiday for what used to mean something much more, to so many more.

This holiday is meant to honor the memory of those that chose to do something very unnatural, put themselves in the path of the reaper. While we can discuss the reasons men and women do this in combat, the bottom line is that for the most part, our service people's intentions hold a certain nobility.

Frankly, there are many out there who wish to kill us and destroy our way of life. This is a stated THEM! Just as Hitler published Mein Kampf telling us his plans, the current enemy has made it clear that there is no room for the West and it's way of life. It IS tragic that no amount to deliberation, conference, persuasion, pleading or other form of political tactic other than the last rung of Holstey's (sp) Ladder will prevail to dissuade them from this purpose.

I have been places and seen the evil acts perpetrated by those whose determination to proliferate hate and violence. I have seen the failures of talks, and result of stall tactics in the name of "peace" enacted by the poison-tongued "diplomat" of an evil man: raping of women, enslavement, murder and genocide unabated.

I personally abhor violence and conflict. I find it distasteful. In my personal life, I've avoided physical violence on my own behalf regardless of "face". Only when in defense of someone or if my life where to be at stake, do I choose the combat option. I am a Defender and Protector by nature and do not enjoy hurting others.

I know of great deeds of courageous sacrifice by our service people that are barely reported. I hear of certain things because of people I know...and from some minor reports I do hear in the press occasionally. Men and women of our Armed Forces have been wounded and killed because they attempted to avoid harm to civilians, or directly attempted to protect and rescue them. From my own experience as well as reports from the field, I know of the support (from the families in the States) that our service people share with orphaned children.

Now whether or not you believe that any particular operation out there (like Iraq) is strategically significant (and I respect that opinion becuase strategy and tactics are not singularily correct...though I AM happy we took down a mass murderer and wish all the countries of the world would not permit women, children and men to be slaughtered and oppressed), I'd like people to realize that 99.9% of our service people would love to be BBQ'ing, drinking beer and enjoying other activities this weekend rather than wondering where the next IED, sniper, mortar attack or other danger is coming from...and I also know many that value what they are giving to another people.

So I salute the brave men and women of our Armed Forces, and honor the memory of those that have fallen in defense of all that we hold dear...which includes free speech, BBQs, and beer!

May God Bless their souls.
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