
Apr 16, 2004 11:38

Finally! Damn, i've been so busy. I've worked 2 days almost nonstop on an order at work. Remember when i said i hated weeding? I made a mistake. Regular weeding is NOTHING compared to BACK-weeding. It's when you're working with really tiny font so it's "easier" to put them on tape so everything that's supposed to stay down stays down. At least, that's the idea, anyway. Usually most of the letters/numbers stay down EXCEPT E's, I's, L's, 5's and 2's. So, as you can imagine, just about every other letter/number comes up on ya. So you have to very carefully either try to keep it down with tweezers or put it back on with tweezers and an x-acto knife. Not only am i a spaz but i have shaky hands. Hereditary. FUN! *convulses* Plus, working bent over something for that long (Ed told me to take breaks, eat something, but the order had to go out yesterday at the latest and i knew if i took and hour break or something it'd never get done) makes my back and neck hurt like hell. Not to mention my ass from sitting on the Stool-O-Death. ....Was just told there was another order today. Back-weeding, thou art mine sworn enemy!

Um, yesterday, my dad's girlfriend strolled in, left me a cookie cake that said "Best Of Luck, Alicia" and strolled out. After i was just imagining attacking her if she ever stepped foot inside my territory. Well...i didn't attack her. Cuz i was fucking SHOCKED, that's why! I didn't think she even knew where i worked! All i could do was do a stunning "deer in headlights" impression and stutter "Th-thank you?" Freaky! I called my dad and asked if it was laced with poison or ex-lax. He didn't think so, but, ya know, if i die or start the next LJ entry with "MY ASS!" she will so pay.

Smallville! LMAO! It was new Wednesday. My dad was over with us watching it and listening to me and my bro's sweet commentary. Clark puts key in the wall, rainbow lights swirl--
Bro: "What's that do?"
Me: "Gives him gay powers."
Bro: "But he was already gay!"
Me: "Yeah, but this makes him, like, King of Queers."
Bro: "I thought that was Lex. He has gay style."
Me: "Well, he can be Queen of Queers then."
Dad: "Oh my god."
Then, my god, THEN Clark thinks Lex is betraying him cuz he saw him with the FBI and knows he has a wire on. What does he do? Pushes Lex against his car with his whole body and TEARS open his shirt! I LOOKED at my dad and he gave me the "Don't go there!" expression, but i couldn't help it. I bust out laughing insanely. I mean, Clark did it so intensely and Lex had this "Here? Now? Okay!" look on his face! Too bad my bro left the room beforehand. I kept snickering through the rest of the scene as Lex reassured Clark he'd never betray that fine ass and Clark couldn't take his eyes off Lex's pale, firm chest. Hell-o! Life loves me.

Angel. More "Fred was the best at everything, we miss her, we're worthless without her" bullshit. Give me a fucking break! At least Gunn got what he deserved for being suck a prick lately. Now it's Wesley's turn. He must either die horribly or get a brain overhaul. Why, oh why are they bringing Connor back to torture us once more? Can't the series go off on a happy note? Argh!

Watched the SG-1 ep "Meridian" Monday. It never fails, i always bawl at the end. It's not so much Daniel ascending as it is the look on Jack's face. Beautiful acting by RDA there. You can feel what he's feeling. Sure, the writers may have given him the lame line "I may have come to admire you" earlier *bitchslaps them* but the look at the end says it goes much deeper than admiration. It just...there's so much love there! Whether you see slash or not, that's love on any level just walking out of his life possibly forever and he knows it. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it. I can't give that look of his justice. If you've seen it, you just know. Plus, Fraiser's scared "Colonel!?" when Jack told everyone to let Daniel go got me too. I dunno why. God, i miss her.

People keep saying how they only watch the show for Daniel now and left when he did. I don't understand that. I'm invested in all the characters but mostly JACK and Daniel. I was worried about Jack when Daniel left. I watched to give silent support to Jack and make sure he was okay. I know it's stupid to do that for a fictional character, but i don't care.

That's all for now. QAF in 2 days! *boogies*

smallville, work, stargate, angel, dad

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