Girl stuff

Mar 23, 2009 01:47

Went bra shopping last night. The cups on one of mine suddenly ripped at the seam (so totally not my boob's fault) and another has lost elasticity, which left me wearing only sport bras for a few days and squishing two funbags into one giant lump is never comfortable. Anyway, Mom accompanied me--always bad for my self-esteem. Somehow she acts ashamed and embarrassed i'm a D-DD. While searching through racks she'll always comment "You're a C, right?" and if i'm carrying my giganto bras she tells me to hold them out of sight. Ugh. Then, anything i pay for bras is too much. My mom doesn't understand. She's a B with a petite frame who immediately can go to her size in any thrift store and get a bra for like $5. A $12 bra makes her gasp. A $20 bra makes her guffaw and toss the garment. Anything above leads to her walking around in a state of shock mumbling the price tag over and over.

Of course, i end up going to Victoria's Secret for someone to accurately size me and advise my perfect style. They're always expensive but for a GOOD, supportive bra what choice do i have? I do agree paying $30 for only 3 pairs of underwear is insane, though. The sales reps--called "bra experts", i shit you not--will stick you in a fitting room as they deliver different bras to you based on your need, then honestly tell you if it's the right bra or one you should avoid. Hell, they do what my MOTHER should be doing by giving me confidence about my body. Mom would later comment "How could you let them in the dressing room with you??" I was always IN the bras before i let them in. They never saw me naked. "That's still weird!" Where was my mother, btw? Early on she told me she had to get out of the store because it made her uncomfortable. Wha? So i bought two bras and, yeah, they were a little more than i'd pay at Walmart or something. Bra Expert even asked me "Are you sure two are within your price range today?" Bless. I was feeling good. Accomplished. Adult. That is until i met back up with my mom who wouldn't leave me alone until i told her the price, and then wouldn't shut up about it. Disappointment oozed out of her and i was back to feeling like shit. Foolish. A child.

Then again i'm PMSing and worried about traveling, so whatever.

shopping, life hates me, wtf, mom, depressed

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