
Apr 01, 2008 03:58

skip=60? After not getting online one night? Damn, flist.

My bro was kind enough to buy me a used Wario Ware from work, so i've been spending almost every waking hour obsessively clearing tons of random games for your brain/reflexes. It even has a section filled with oldskool Nintendo games. Duck Hunt is still a pain in the ass...

I caught a show on the NGC called Dogtown the other day and fell in love. Apparently it's been on for months but i always passed it by because i'm sick to death of the Dog Whisperer and figured it was along the same lines. It's actually about the greatest no-kill animal shelter i've ever seen. The love, respect and devotion these people have for the animals actually made me all misty. Check it out or go to their website for more info on them.

I think i've found a way to hold off my growing sleepiness lately: Pixy Stix! More testing is required. *snorts it*

Oh dear sweet Jesus, that just reminded me i forgot to take my pill yesterday. Pray for me...

dogtown, childhood memories, dogs

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