
Mar 05, 2008 00:26

I felt like killing something all day today. Just because. At least punch someone in the throat or make them cry.

My brother finally got a job at a gaming store owned by a family friend. His first job and he's freakin manager. It's one of those cool places where people can pay $5/hr to play any game on any console. Since it just opened and it was empty, the owner let me try out Wii Sports. My arms ache now from all the bowling and boxing.

I watched some little kid come in to play the drums in Rock Band. He failed hard, but i stood back and studied a bit. The kid only played for like 20 minutes before he left (waste of $5) so i jumped in and made it my bitch. Well, it was on easy mode, but c'mon! I felt damn superior when my bro and his friend failed too. Then we all teamed up to play the whole band. I was on the mic, bro felt much more comfortable on the guitar, and his friend got drums. I want to do that every day.

New Amsterdam: Lame as hell. Fake as hell. But i bet it sticks around like that piece of shit 'Moonlight' because weak women fucking fall like bricks for that "immortal with a true love quest" and the amounts of naked man chest they push at the screen. "They'll forget our plot is paper thin and his cliche woman partner is useless if we throw in one more shot of his wet torso!" Who put this adapted romance novel on my tv screen?? Women shouldn't get to have Nielsen boxes.

Yes, i'm pissy. If you're even reading you can deal with it.

aaaaargh, brandon

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