Zooey Deschanel couldn't act one scene decently to save her life. It's always like i'm watching a slow kid in a junior high play. While other people put up with it and encourage her because they feel bad or think the awkwardness is cute, i start thinking irrational things like, "I hate her face!" Or even more bizarre, "I hate her pants!" ....Other than that, Tin Man is pretty good.
I spent two hours (gifs kick my ass) making a Sylar/Mohinder + Molly icon. Came up with a few variations and thought i'd toss 'em out there for other delusional people. Also figured i'd throw in some more icons i've been birthing, and some not even using. At the very least they might make you smirk. If they make you sick, then i didn't make them at all! Twas my evil twin!
-4 Mywalker -3 HRG -2 Claire -2 Sylar -1 Eddie Izzard + Mohinder + Haitian -5 Quinto + Nemoy with quote
(The quote comes from Quinto in some interview i can't be bothered find right now. It's his goal for his relationship with Nimoy.)
Rules? What do i care, enjoy 'em. If i ever see you claiming you made them i'll just frown.
I still have other icon ideas that kick me awake in the middle of the night. I wanted to make one from a promo shot of Sylar with Molly saying "You're all fucked now that Daddy's home!" but since that happens tonight, it's a bit pointless.