I think the only truly bad thing about this week was no Pushing Daisies

Nov 08, 2007 10:25

My body has only been allowing me to get 4-5hrs sleep a day, and i'm always tired even if i get enough rest anyway, so my sleep deprivation is starting to show. Along with it my heartbeat has been faster than normal almost constantly for two days and my arms/hands shake. By the time midnight rolls around i feel like any movement at all would result in me crashing to the floor. I apologize to my friends for any fluctuations in my schedule you've already witnessed by now. [/boring]


--Something for my fellow Disney friends: There's a 'Year Of A Million Dreams' ad capaign that features celebrities such as Julie Andrews dressed as Disney characters. The pictures are gorgeous! I'd never see them before, tho i had heard misinformation about Rachel Weisz cast in a live-action Snow White remake. Ecstatic to find out it's just part of this set. In related news, going to WDW with siblings next week. They're paying. I feel guilty, but families are deaf to the word 'no'.

--I'm about ready to give Tim Kring my soul. Once again he proves he is all about making the fans happy. In this EW article he addresses everything we've don't like about this season and how that's going to change (just as soon as the writers hopefully win the strike, that is). "The message is that we've heard the complaints - and we're doing something about it." Has there ever been a PTB this giving? Read it and dance with me, my friends.

--LJ COMMENTS CAN BE EDITED NOW! "And there was much rejoicing."

And on the flip side of today's news:
I found proof i'm a horrible person. As soon as i saw the news "Toy Contains Date Rape Drug" this morning i lol'd. Reading the article it's really not funny cuz kids were hurt, but still. The last thing i expected to read first thing online.

Maybe a Xanax would relax my body...

happy, heroes s2, disney, links

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