Oct 19, 2007 03:43
Really weird things have been happening. Things that don't happen to Boudreaus. I won things.
Well, the first one was a free 5-day cruise. Promised not to be selling me a timeshare or anything. I still tore it up. This event probably doesn't count and was a scam.
More importantly, i got a package yesterday from a Parrot Communications Intl. "Ref: Heroes Season 1 Sweepstakes." ...Bzuh? Inside was the s1 dvds. Now, if they were signed or HD-DVDs i'd be ECSTATIC! But no. So now i have THREE Heroes dvd sets, and i don't even remember entering anything. *pause* Okay, there was this contest on a website like back in June or July where you told them the superpower you'd like to have and why. I said "I'd want telekinesis because i am extremely lazy." Is this it? Was my answer that fricken amazing? Does anyone else remember that contest? [/weirdness]
I still gotta sell my signed one on ebay.
Dear Chris Pine:
Don't be afraid to touch Zachary Quinto as often as possible. Meaningful looks and smiles are fine too.
Slashers Everywhere
Bastard better not fail. And i'm still bitter about Scotty.
heroes s1 sweepstakes,
star trek