canadian_turtle is my hero. Now i just have to figure out why one download of mine came with 28 copies.
My recap is half-done and i am beat. I got up at 2pm yesterday so i thought maybe i'd get back into a regular sleeping pattern. Here it is almost 8am and i'm still awake. ARGH.
Damn Red Sox taking over my House night! *family glares* I see myself getting kicked out of a lot of relatives' homes when i move back. My Yankees shirts won't help.
At least i got to watch Reaper. Still entertaining. TV Gods need to give it a better time slot.
My dog with alzheimers/dementia/some brain disorder keeps getting stuck in the weirdest places outside. I have to watch her now or else she gets stuck behind the A/C, lawn mower, and my bro's catapult. Yes, he has a giant wooden catapult outside. Don't ask. She barks/yelps for me to come save her (which works cuz upon her first yelp i damn near kill myself running outside), but as soon as i lay my hands on her to help she bites me. She never breaks the skin, but freakin OW! Her canine tooth got me on the underside of my wrist this morning and now my whole arm aches.
I'm worried my right eye is getting worse. *sigh* Bedtime now.