Jigga who?

Jul 12, 2007 05:42

Thanks everyone for all the b-day wishes! And a special thanks to Lily for the party hat and Dominoep for the cupcake! I seriously lit up like a kid. I really gotta learn to check my email, or maybe profile page, more often.

Now for my random crap:

Oh hey, new Danny Phantom eps finally. *winces* I guess after you get canceled you just don't give a shit anymore. That is some seriously bad...everything.

Dirty Jobs: No, Mike, don't go near 'em. No, don't go in there. Mike, don't TOUCH them! I said no! BAD MIKE! THAT'S A BAD BOY! Go sit in a corner until my heart returns to my chest! Oy vey!

SYTYCD: Awesome Pasha being choreographed by More-Than-Awesome Benji (with a bad choice of hair color)? Mmm-mmm good!

Rescue Me: Derrek Darin Tony is SO GAY. For YOU.
Also, wtf constantly drugging the baby?

If i don't start studying for my exam today, someone take anything Heroes away from me. Or maybe you should do that anyway. It's all i think about and that can't really be productive.

Lesson of The Day: Chylar makes me and Mohinder cry and vomit at the same time.

rescue me, so you think you can dance, dirty jobs, heroes, birthday, danny phantom

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