"I'm not a failure; I just succeed in finding out what doesn't work."

Mar 19, 2007 01:33

The Christopher Titus "5th Annual End Of The World Tour" was on earlier. If your initial reaction to that sentence is "So what?" tell me now so i can unfriend you. BTW, i'm whitey...and i apologize.

Lost: Wait, was that...was that a good episode? I think it was. Holy crap. So each and every time Charlie was supposed to die, it was because of Claire. Okay, not because of Claire, seeing as she doesn't kill or intend for him to die, but his death revolves around her. I think the PB&J'ers are currently grabbing pitchforks.

Oh, also? Jack and Claire are half-bro and sis. I hope no one was shipping them...

Dammit, Youtube! You took all my KKM eps down! How many more things will you take from us? Remember when you were cool?? Remember when Google didn't own you and have to keep up an image to not get sued? I miss those days, Youtube. Now i only find myself wishing another underground vid streaming site would rise up and replace you.

My externship is over at the one doc's office. I shall miss Pam and Minnie.

I went to a birthday party the other day (people have been friends of the family since we moved here) and met their estranged father who reminded me of my own father. I think it was his build and presence more than anything. He had a wicked sense of humor. As i seemed drawn to him out of loss and familiarity, he seemed drawn to me for unknown reasons. Hugged me with one hand like my dad used to, and said he wanted to adopt me. It was weird but comforting. He even went outside for a smoke break (tho he musta been smoking magic cigs cuz i couldn't smell one anywhere). The party took place in a conference center on the grounds of the hospital my dad died in.

titus, dad, kkm, lost

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