So i stuck myself with a needle on Thursday. Before you freak out, it was sterile. Hadn't stuck the patient yet, but i still felt like a giant mass of moron. It's those butterfly needle systems, man. They're so awkward and...and...STUPID! *is 3yrs old* I didn't let the patient know of my stupidity and when i finally ended up sticking her i missed and asked my supervisor Pam to take over. Then i noticed the blood accumulating underneath my glove and discreetly walked to the sink in the next room. Tiny thing bled like a bitch. I rinsed, disinfected and held pressure until the bleeding stopped before walking over to Minnie (other phleb/lab tech, not the mouse) and practically curled into the fetal position beside her desk. Even tho i knew it, i needed confirmation that everything was okay and no accident report was required. She calmed me by talking about some boner moves of her own and others. So yeah, go me.
Lost: THANK YOU! I was beginning to forget why i watched this show in the first place.
--Hurley was dark and skinny as a tyke. And had Cheech as a father.
--Hey, do you think the writers will ever explain why Libby was in the same mental ward as Hurley? I know she's dead, but c'mon!
--Vincent? Vincent! Aw, how're you doing, boy? What've you been up to now that you have no own...ers... Is that an arm?
--I've decided Vincent is the mastermind behind EVERYTHING. If you understood dog, you'd know that "BARK BARK" is really "DANCE, MY PUPPETS! DANCE!" *Literal translation may vary.
--Dude. Hippie van in the middle of No Hope Island. New name.
--Oh, Jin. Just punch Sun in the face. "This is how you'll learn." Yeah, but you don't have to be a bitch about it. Your Orange Love was a much better teacher. Shh-shh, no tears now. He'll return for you. Go hide with Hurley in the meantime.
--Oh Sawyer. Just punch Kate in the face. Throw her to a polar bear. Put her arm near Vincent. Whatever you have to do to SHUT HER UP!
--Reunion! "Where's Jack? Cuz things have kinda been going really well here and we'd like to keep him away if we could."
--*watches Kate leave again* THANK YOU, JESUS!
--OMG, Sawyer! I'd forgotten how fun and awesome you are when you get to interact with people other than Kate. The atmosphere just changes completely and i no longer wish you were both back there rotting in bear cages. Welcome back.
--From here on, every single hippie-van scene is priceless. And Jin found a MUCH better teacher in Sawyer.
Fate#1: "Hey look, the reporter is going into the Cursed Guy's restaurant."
Fate#2: "How're you gonna kill her? Gas leak? Faulty beam? Spork?"
Fate#1: "Wait for it."
Fate#2: "Subtle."
--Cheech: "I was in the neighborhood looking for Chong and remembered i had a kid. I only remember having one kid, but i coulda been so stoned i had five and you just ate 'em all."
Hurley: "WTF? GTFO!"
Mama: "Hugo, he's staying. I have NEEDS."
Hurley: "MY house." *kicks them both out* "Go have your needs someplace else."
...Oh, sorry. That's only what i wished had happened. I mean, honestly; he's an adult now who's generously letting his mom live there and buys her everything she could ever want. And she's demanding he let his dead-beat-dad mooch off them because she hasn't gotten any for over a decade? Then she has the nerve to be so loud Hurley needs headphones that night? I DON'T THINK SO! HOMEY DON'T PLAY DAT!
--Careening Hippie Van Of Beer & Death becomes the Ultimate Hope Machine. This ep is so out of place in the middle of all this season's gigantic failure. It's a shame.
I hear Host Club has been licensed. Um, i...i really don't think i could take watching a bad dub of that. Especially because i think they always get Johnny "It's Morphin' Time!" Bosch to dub "Daddy's" characters, and....just no.
Amy isn't expected to entertain me again for another month or two. Who wants to come over? There'll be punch and pie! Free hat? Anybody?