
Jan 19, 2007 04:07

This reminds me of the time my brother seriously asked me "Has Kawika ever been to the US?"
I don't remember exactly how i reacted to him not knowing about Hawaii, but i do know i blamed public schools. I mean, we also run into people who don't know WTF Rhode Island is. "Oh, that's in New York, right?" OMG.

Passed the test yesterday. Miss Karen called it my "usual". I feel like such a dork. I sit off by myself in class instead of with Wendy and Jaimon. When asked why, i obviously respond that Jaimon just doesn't shut up. He asked what i think about when i'm all alone in my silence. Mostly i think about the work before me and getting home to sleep. But i said, "Nothing." He pushed for a real answer. I finally told him, "Gay porn." He shut up after that. Wendy laughed her ass off.

Ya know, i never paired characters i didn't care much about before. It's fun. Tip-toed over to the Ichigo/Ishida fandom to see if a)the whole Bleach fandom is a pain in the ass like Amy warned me about, and b)if it's the boring, cliched top/bottom relationship 4chan's Anonymous warned about. What did i find? People on CRACK. Holy crap. I'm equal parts confused and amused, afraid and aroused. Oh, and Ishida does top pretty often. Color me shocked. I wonder where i should tip-toe next. I still wanna find Kon pairings. Bwahahaha.

Ooh! Ooh! Ichigo's Dad/Ishida's Dad! Behold the OTP!

Other news: Mom/Dad needs another pr0n flood. I think the Jin/Mugen fandom is in its death-throes. *giant sob* I feel Rufus Shinra is so full of awesome i mentally fall to my knees when he is mentioned. Rufus/Reno is still pure sex.

LOOKIT ME! Another stupid post not dealing with issues. Amy, can i come hide under something in your place this weekend?


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