Dec 02, 2006 18:42
Got home from work around 5:30. *eye twitch* At least i'm in the back making treats instead of dealing with stupid customers. Even tho making the treats is really, really boring. Can't win; don't try.
Ooh, new Crisis Core trailer is out! Not that i'll ever play it. ...Is it wrong that just seeing the Shinra logo turns me on?
Still no Champloo download. Bastards are gonna make me wait until i see the end so i can decide whether or not to annoy someone for dvds, aren't they? I just wanna show ep1 in decent quality to my bro. Surely that's no crime.
Watched The Polar Express for the first time last night. I could crap better facial animation, but i still lost my shit. Good god. Childhood memories ran up and sucker-punched me. I remember being read that in school when i was but a tiny thing. I ran home and wrote a letter to Santa asking for one of his sleigh bells. "Santa" wrote back that the bells are too special to give away. What kind of cheap parents can't go out and buy a bell for their kid? I never wanted to stop believing or lose that feeling of magic. I'm that kid in the story who says "I believe, i believe" over and over hoping to hear that bell ring. Only i never do. So on Christmas day i feel empty, which wouldn't be so bad if i didn't remember what it was like to be full.
Damn, that ended on a low note. I'm too tired right now to care.
final fantasy,
childhood memories,
the polar express,