
Sep 05, 2006 00:49

Still in a bit of shock. Like, "A stingray? Right in the heart? Do you know the chances of that? This man coughed up four-leaf clovers! Nothing makes sense anymore!" It's surreal. I'm sorry if it seems corny or sappy to anyone, but i need to do this.

I don't remember why i started watching his show, but i do know my family was hooked immediately. Soon after Discovery/Animal Planet first started airing his show. When his hair was still long and Terry didn't think twice about makeup. At first we watched in a "Look how insane this guy is!" way, then very soon we began to realize what he was displaying wasn't insanity; it was brilliance.

He fricken knew what he was doing and he loved it. He gave you more insight on an animal's behavior then anyone i'd ever watched before. Because he wasn't just a spectator--this person off to the side of the screen reading off facts about an animal a mile in the distance. No, he got RIGHT THERE with them, which made you feel like you were right there with them too. And dangerous or not, he gave that animal a personality, a soul. From the tiniest bug to the largest mammal, he was always excited and that poured thru the screen. I remember when his favorite croc--the one his daughter is named after, i think--died and he hugged her body and cried. His love and respect for all creatures couldn't help but hit ya. I always wondered if any scientists who believed animals couldn't feel emotions changed their minds after watching Steve.

I watched every incarnation and spin-off of The Crocodile Hunter. Even his show for kids. I used to browse the website once a week, i own t-shirts, i joined contests, i cheered when his cheesy movie came out. He was one of my "babies" and i'll be damned if i didn't have a heart-attack every time he had a close call. His live special had me fricken yelping at the screen. But he couldn't imagine doing anything else, and i'm happy he went out doing what he loved.

I feel bad cuz i don't think i've kept up with him for maybe 2 years now. But it still feels like a family member died. My heart goes out to Terry, Bindi, Bob, the rest of his family, and his extended family like Wes and John. I wonder if the animals at his zoo can feel it?

I'm not very religious, but i do believe in saints, or equivalents of, that watch over animals and other certain things. Maybe Saint Francis needed a right-hand man.

"Steve, from all God's creatures, thank you. Rest in peace." -- written on a card left outside The Australia Zoo with a bouquet of native flowers.

steve irwin, croc hunter

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