May 30, 2006 04:02

Went to see X-Men 3 today. DON'T GO! My god! WTF did i just witness?! I mean, i know the first two movies screwed with canon, but it was never anything too bad. Plus, they were entertaining and mostly so geeks like myself could seek out all the lil mutant cameos and squee.

But this? OMGWTF THEY RAPED MY CANON! They raped it, then killed it, then skullfucked its corpse. Which might have been a tiny bit excusable if the movie was still entertaining, but no. I didn't know whether to cry or puke. I can't even stand to type a step-by-step review of the whole movie because it would eventually end up with me tearing off into profanity at the end of every sentence. That was $6.50 and 2hrs of my life i will never get back.

*eye still twitching* Meanwhile, Cone never showed up so they must've gone directly to the hotel. I'll catch up with her at WDW Wednesday, i guess.

And everyone wave to bone_fauna. We're having babies together. You're all welcome to be godparents.


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