[There seems to be a list here, some with names crossed out, some with numbers and dates listed]
Fifteen, and that still isn't...
Hn. Even at this rough estimate, things change every day.
[there are some other notations here]
-Seems impenetrable
-Light could be seen on the other side
Perhaps... I wonder how much magic has been used in reference to it.
Aside from the disappearances, things are still too calm. This would be the best time, save for Albert not being here, and... it wouldn't surprise me if this was related. And it's likely meant to be discouraging.
[/end private]
Caesar, will you let me know when you hear anything from your brother?
[/end filter]
Does anyone require any assistance? It seems as if there may have been some people returned from the Malnosso lately, so if healing is required, I will do what I can.