» 28 [ healing and worries ]

Jun 15, 2008 23:09

A few more days and... nothing, still. If they still have him, he could be -- he's been through so much already, to have to endure that.

Sheena thinks that it could be for the best, if he's been sent home... which, who can say what has happened? With this place, there seems to be no certainty in anything, and the logic is... everything that happens seems to defy logic, honestly. It's ... frustrating, to have to accept these situations as they are thrown at us, with no say in the matter.

And then there are those other matters. Cloud's problem; I should check in on him in a few days. Hopefully my spells can keep it at bay until further research is possible. If I had Boltzmann's book... hmm.

[/end private]


[Raine has been checking in on Bella throughout the past few days, and was there when Edward first requested that she stay. She's just checking on her progress right now, and yes, she's brought light here too]

[/end action]


If anyone still needs any more light, feel free to let me know. A lot of work went into the last few days, but honestly, it may be better if everyone could gather in the more lit areas than staying on their own in this situation.

» flonne, healing, » edward cullen, notes, working, !event, worried sister is worried, » bella swan

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