I am not entirely certain if I am comfortable with putting my thoughts down in such a manner. Even this feels as if it is quite flimsy, and the Malnosso are likely to be able to read it anyway...
Regardless, it may simply be best to use this journal as a tool for gathering data, and keeping track of everyone.
It seems that there is a lot for us to still learn, in regards to the situation. It is curious, however, about how many of us from different worlds have been pulled here. While some of you seem to be loners, there also has been a high probability of others being drawn from the same place that you may have had contact with, previously. Has anyone else noticed this as well?
The worlds don't seem to have very much in common, as well as the variety of species. Almost as if there is no discrimination in those who have been pulled here. I will admit that there is something fascinating about it. Granted, I would rather not be a test subject, myself.
I have also observed that while there seems to be a majority of us dedicated to finding a way out, there are others who seem more ... accepting of this situation. Even now, this feeling throughout the village, these festivities - it seems calmer, somehow.
... Funny, I wasn't intending to write all that much.
Thank you again, Sheena and Colette, for allowing me to stay. Oh and -- Lloyd? There is something I wanted to ask you... Could you drop in, if you aren't too busy?