
Dec 08, 2010 01:14

I've met quite a few of you but I know there are those out there who subsist or at least drink human blood. I'd like it if we all met, conversed, or just generally....had fun together. After all, your best allies are going to be people who sympathize with you though I cannot say we're all capable of sympathy. Regardless of what your thoughts are, come to 849 Goldberg on Saturday if the status quo at Mayfield holds up. Nine PM is probably a suitable enough time. It will be dark out for those of you who can't travel in the day. Respond back to me if you're coming.

[Merem is outside of his house, pouncing on the snow that drifts by. Really, it's like he's a child enjoying the fun of the new winter weather. Still, he's bundled up in a rather large, white and golden coat. You can thank Ciel for that. And if your name is Ciel, Vietnam, or Taiwan, he'll probably keep playing in the snow if you pass by. If you're not, he'll stop and do something else a bit more mature. It's kinda hard to look WISE AND COOL when you're having fun.]

voice, oh hi ciel, event, action

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