
Sep 23, 2010 02:44

[It's 1 AM. DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?Someone (and by someone, I mean Merem) hasn't partaken in any blood like he requires. Killing is oh so boring and he'd rather wait until he was on the edge of starvation ( Read more... )

oh hi ciel, gotta me sum blood, arcueid is my wife, ingesting dna is how i live

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thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 07:03:04 UTC
[Good girls are usually in bed by this hour, but Garnet's been having nightmares lately that she can't really shake, so she's out on her front porch trying to calm herself with a cup of tea.

She hears some sort of commotion to her right, and since she's jumpier than usual, the noise prompts her to call out.] Who is there?


wise_king September 23 2010, 07:04:42 UTC
Just myself, if you're actually curious.


thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 07:06:46 UTC
...Oh. [Calms down considerably, though HAHA....HA what is paranoia]
Good evening, Merem.


wise_king September 23 2010, 07:08:58 UTC
[Stepping into the light. He's got some blood on his hands and shirt but HEY WHO'S ASKING]

And why are you out so late?


thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 07:17:56 UTC
[See the bags under her eyes? This is clearly not a new habit of hers, though venturing outside might be. Try as she might, she keeps throwing glances out past Merem, into the dark, where she seems to expect someone or something to appear.] I...was having some trouble getting to sleep.

[The fact that he's soaked in blood at the moment does not go unnoticed by her, though she averts her eyes (first to the ground, then right back past him) politely.] Ah...you were feeding?


wise_king September 23 2010, 07:19:58 UTC
Oh? Do you need some type of bedtime story? And yes, even if that is a lowly term. I was simply taking care of my body properly.


thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 07:25:05 UTC
Oh! [She heard his offer, but manners first. Garnet cups a hand over her mouth worriedly, afraid she had offended him.] I apologize! I'm afraid I'm still not very familiar with the correct terms; it was no intention of mine to insult you.

[Is she blowing this out of proportion? Maybe. But this has been a very off week for her.]


wise_king September 23 2010, 07:27:11 UTC
Forget it. I doubt you will ever be able to insult me. I may be prideful but I'm not one to get angry either.


thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 07:32:00 UTC
... [Sighs gently, looking away again. She seems very ill at ease, and like she hasn't yet forgiven herself for the slip-up. After a moment she turns back to him, shaking her head and sighing yet again.] Forgive me, my mind is elsewhere tonight.

[Then she ventures tentatively.] Did you enjoy your meal?...


wise_king September 23 2010, 07:38:38 UTC
I did not. I can't say I particularly enjoy violence. It's too brutish for my tastes.


thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 07:42:07 UTC
Oh, I see. [She's tempted to ask how he prefers to take his meals, but decides against it in the end.] ...Who was it?


wise_king September 23 2010, 07:43:19 UTC
I do not know. But don't worry. I didn't take anyone that...was in their right mind as some would say.


thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 08:09:35 UTC
[It takes her a moment to understand what he's implying, but she seems at ease with it. She has a sip of tea while before speaking again.] A bedtime story won't put me to rest, I'm afraid. [Even though you have thousands of years on her, she's an adult too, sob.]


wise_king September 23 2010, 08:13:55 UTC
Oh? You never know what might happen with a story on your mind.

Ah, well, much more if I had access to one of my abilities but you are aware of what I mean.


And now I'm imagining Merem tucking her in and reading her a story, lol. thelittlecanary September 23 2010, 08:29:55 UTC
[Garnet nods an affirmative and smiles appreciatively, though that only accentuates the bags under her eyes.] It's very kind of you to offer.


considering he's practically half her size (probably), that's horrifying XD wise_king September 23 2010, 08:31:53 UTC
I just like to talk. It didn't come from any kindness in my black, seared heart.

[obviously dramaing up that sentence]


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