More google fun..

Aug 03, 2005 14:49

Here's something a bit more upbeat.

Directions: Type "(your name) is" with the quotes, into a Google search then pick out your favorite 12 responses. Copy, then repost your responses:

1. Scott is so greedy and cheap
2. Scott is arguably the most well-known and influential unknown composer
3. Scott is the wisest book writer that I've ever known(besides God).
4. Scott is Moses
5. Scott is the ex-girlfriend who knows more than she lets on
6. Scott is essentially a romantic painter
7. Scott is simultaneously a sage and a novice
8. Scott is protective of her finds, hoarding them in bags beside her chair
9. Scott is a star
10. Scott is gone but it is bittersweet
11. Scott is lunching with his deputy buddy
12. Scott is a human calculator, meaning that he can perform impressive calculations
like squaring a many digit number entirely in his head
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