Here's something fun to do:
Go to Google Images and type in the answer to the questions/statements listed below and then post one of the pictures that comes up.
(For those of you that needed help like I did, you can post the pictures in your entry by clicking on rich text mode at the bottom of the entry when you click on "Update". From there, click the "Add Image" button and just copy and paste the URL and you're all set!)
1. The age you will be on your next birthday...
2. Your favorite color...
3. Your middle name...
4. The place you lost your virginity (type in things like "my house, their car, your bed, the woods", etc.) or would like to lose your virginity if you haven't...
5. A bad habit of yours...
6. Your favorite animal...
7. The last name of your favorite teacher...
8. The name of a pet...
9. A friend's nick name...
10. Your first name...
11. Your last name...