Oct 08, 2008 16:41

Many moons ago, I would occasionally offer fic-on-demand centered around badfic crackfic themes like curtains and weddings.

So, um. Does anyone want wingfic?

Leave fandom, character(s) and/or pairing(s), and any specifications (e.g., who should acquire the wings or how).

I'll leave the first prompt as an example.

[Fandoms: BTVS (+RPF), ATS(+RPF), Firefly(+RPF), BSC(+RPF), CA Diaries, Grey'sverse(+RPF), SG-1 original team, Farscape(+RPF), Ugly Betty, HP, Charmed, VMars, House, tWW, possibly DS9, possibly Dark Angel, S1 Drom that doesn't involve Dylan. Pairings I won't write: Spike/Xander, Logan/Veronica]

wings yes wings, fic-on-demand

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