femslash08 brainstorming

May 09, 2008 13:45

Am stalking the poll even though it seems as if the List is pretty much set:

*Buffyverse (99!!)
*Firefly (93)
BSG (59)
new Who (55)
Sarah Connor Chronicles (52)
Bring It On (50)
*Grey's (48)
*Harry Potter (43)
Gossip Girl (43)
*VMars (43)
SG-1 (41)
SGA (40)
Heroes (39)

And some runners-up that might make the list but that I can't write anyhow so no bother. Anyhow. I have starred the shows I can write. I have nowhere near enough BSG and sadly lots of the SG-1 requests are for Vala, and I haven't seen 9/10/AoT STILL. So. Can't do. But I can write Grey's for the first time ever and VMars for the first time in ages because I'm finally caught up on canon, and I can write the Jossverse for the fourth year in a row. \o/ Not the comics, though. Not caught up and they are not my canon.

Anyhow, I know I will request in Buffyverse and Grey's. I just can't choose a third List fandom, or narrow down my choices. Last year I requested just Fred/Lilah -- thinking maybe Fred/Lilah or Joyce/any or Buffy/Willow or Tara/Fred, etc., proving my open-mindedness even though nothing is as hot as Fred/Lilah.

In Grey's, beyond the obvious (Callie/Erica and I haven't seen last night's episode yet but srsly, Callie/Erica!) there is Cristina/Erica, which happily fits ALL MY KINKS, and Bailey/any because Bailey is made of win, and ditto Addison because ADDISON. Especially Addison/Izzie or Addison/Bailey or Addison/Callie. I have so much ♥ for this show RIGHT NOW because GIRLS.

Mmm, nothing else from the List is really exciting me though. I mean, have standby pairings (Firefly: Kaylee/Inara or Kaylee/River, HP: McGonagall/Hermione, Patilcest, Ginny/Hermione, McGonagall/Rose Weasley WHAT you have your kinks I have mine!, SG-1: Sam/Janet), but.

Hm. Seems I could make 2 List requests and 3 Wildcard requests. Think may do that if not inspired in the meantime to e.g. watch Gossip Girl and fall in love with some pairing (that ten to one would not be Serena/Blair because honestly, me we're talking about; is my job to be totally skewed from rest of fandom!)

Anyhow, wildcard!

1. Definitely, definitely Ugly Betty!! &hearts so much. So many awesome female characters. Betty/Christina is OTP (best friends!), or Alexis/any. Hm. Maybe Suarecest (Suarezest?)

2. Peanuts - Marcie/Peppermint Patty. (What, reread cute, cute skating dress arc [Peppermint Patty demands that Marcie design a skating dress for her even though Marcie claims she cannot sew. Is SO HEART.] recently and really feel the need for this NOW.

Remaining Wildcard is a mystery! Could be BSC, could be Main Street, could be BSC RPF, could be folksinger RPF, could be Keeping Up Appearances (or KUA RPF), but minus BSC, likely no one would write these things.

Or could request crossover! Was totally sold on Clueless/Ugly Betty crossover a few weeks ago (Cher/Betty, Amber/Amanda, Cher/any, seriously, there is no lose here. Cher/Alexis. <3<3<3) but there's also old standbys like BtVS/FF (Kaylee/Fred, River/Dawn).

OR mina_de_malfois so I can demand Mina/Arc ♥ ten kinds of OTP.

Could drop Peanuts to leave room for Mina AND BSC but... I am so flaily! Will reuse most of these at Yuletide, too.

(Current Yuletide thought is Ann RPF, BSC, Main Street, and CA Diaries. An ANN QUADFECTA!)

Which reminds me, CA DIARIES for Femslash08! Sunny/Dawn, Jill/any, or Maggie/Amalia.

Why so difficult!

(I really must buy myself my icons again. I don't have my Buffy/Faith icon anymore! Woe!)

ugly betty, everything buffyverse, otps, grey's anatomy, femslash annual

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