fic commetary: "Sunrise, Sunset (The New Day Dawning Remix)"

May 03, 2008 16:57

Remix commentary! (Read it without commentary here)

[warnings: character death, vampirism, underage sex, spoilers through the beginning episodes of S3 Buffy the Vampire Slayer, vamp!Giles/Buffy]
the tmi rehash )

remix, fic commentary

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Comments 5

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wisdomeagle May 4 2008, 04:49:36 UTC
If Giles were alive, he'd be so proud of her. EXACTLY. Yes!

Truefax: I made myself sniffly when I wrote that. (And now want the remix of the remix where AU!nonvamp!Giles meets up with this Buffy and is just exactly that.)

*sigh* I wish I had the ability to write Chase/Cameron (in that or any 'verse). This is the sum of my notes on the subject:
"Triangle: the Stockholm Variations" ? Lines of desire are drawn twisted. What she wants from House isn't happening, isn't possible. She's the kind of person who ripped holes in her dolls so she could mend them, who invented problems and cured them...

And you're welcome! Thank you for requesting it! And thanks again for being so awesome to remix for.


hermionesviolin May 3 2008, 22:25:47 UTC
Huh. I had no idea "Sunrise, Sunset" was a reference to anything other than the echoing the original title and the remix subtitle.

Hee, The Store! I didn't actually notice that as one of your tells (early exposure to A Tale of Two Cities means I take thick description for granted? plus I tend to read over-fast, so I don't think I even registered the muslin lining).

I also went hee at "She's drinking, which is terrible and bad," though obviously a different tone to that "hee."


wisdomeagle May 4 2008, 04:52:07 UTC
My assumption is that you googled immediately but yes, it's from Fiddler on the Roof.

I am terrible about thick description because I don't seem to think/visualize that kind of detail, but I definitely have become attuned to fabrics.


lunabee34 May 4 2008, 05:44:18 UTC
I absolutely agree with you about the romanticness of knowing someone so intimately that you are deeply acquainted with the many smells they have to offer. In fact, because I am a terribly morbid individual, I sometimes think about what I would do if my husband died and left me alone. My conclusion: "I really don't want to have to get another person used to me shitting in hir prescense."

Also, I am really taken with the way you reused bits of the original. In both my remixes, I reused dialouge verbatim, but I hadn't thought of taking bits of prose and manipulating them the way you have here. Really cool.


wisdomeagle May 5 2008, 10:16:14 UTC
I have never had anyone I know as well as I know my girlfriend. Just, you know, in tmi ways that have nothing to do with sex. And that's true romance. Yes.

And thank you! I love that part of remixing; it's the poet in me. (I try to keep her suppressed but it doesn't work so well sometimes.)


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