femslash_minis updates

Jan 12, 2008 07:08

3:24 am -- 1268 words written. Fic is basically outlined. Watched crucial character episode, now have "Least Complicated" on repeat.

4:27 am -- some # of words written in various scenes. Watching Taray stuff now. Oh, S5!Buffy/Giles, why so awesome? (Dynamic complex and hurty, but mostly -- serious, serious chemistry.) Oh yes. Tara is awesome too.

... in my head Tara has the same birthday as me. (Airdate 11/7 and my birthday is 11/3, so not entirely out of the question!)

5:35 -- BUFFY/GILES. SERIOUSLY. Am watching OMwF and oh, that -- rueful resigned look he gives her in "If We're Together." <3<3<3<3<3<3.

Have I ever mentioned I love this show a lot?

6:02 am -- hi Joss. I love OMWF but do you know that "Standing" practically reduced me to tears? Oh, favorite song ever.

Poll this is a very mean poll

[nicked from the album tracklist, though really "Bunnies" and "If We're Together" are, er, bundled but discrete. Anyhow.]

7:07 am: Also, I made myself an icon.

There are about 3500 words in the .txt, but a lot of them are outliney stuff, not publishable words. Must drink more coffee and try to write seriously. Seriously!

everything buffyverse, stupid writer brain, polls, icons

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