[pimphat] dumb things I have done

Jan 06, 2008 03:45

1. I signed up for a Buffy/Giles ficathon at allthejellies.

You could do the same here.

2. travels_in_time is hosting a multifandom, low-guilt finish-a-thon. I've submitted the summaries for three cracktastic WsiP that eventually I will have to beg you all to choose among.

You could do the same here [mine; light].


3. Oh yes. And I claimed two irresistible prompts at

You could do the same here or here or both, depending on the day(s) assigned to the prompt(s) you want!

4. And while I'm wearing the hat, the Mal round is open for sign-ups at maleslashminis. I'm watching and waiting.

But you could sign up here [ mine; light] right now!


I keep telling myself, "It's my new year's resolution. It's a good thing!"

ficathon addiction, pimpage

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