forty+ fandoms (brainstorming)

Aug 24, 2007 22:06

See also kindkit's post here.

kindkit and I are planning a forty-plus-smutathon, and right now we're brainstorming popular fandoms with at least a handful of major characters over age-forty ( Read more... )

forty-plus, ficathon addiction, polls, everything gateverse

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Comments 17

dirty_diana August 25 2007, 04:31:47 UTC
Ignore me, it just hit me that there is canon on Cam's age which I won't elaborate on. But, 38. :)


carla_scribbles August 25 2007, 05:19:48 UTC
Also, Nip/Tuck! Cannot believe I didn't think of that earlier.


missambs August 25 2007, 05:35:23 UTC
OOOOH. Intriguing!


thelastgoodname August 25 2007, 06:18:14 UTC
As Time Goes By and Keeping Up Appearances! They both need fic desperately. I would be so thrilled if someone wanted to write in either of those, and I might potentially be able to write them, but I doubt I could capture any character but Lionel. I could do an awesome Lionel. And I have added Waiting for God, which I think is better than either of them (mostly because I adore Diana).

As for SG-1, I don't think of any of the characters (with the exception of Teal'c, who is somehow 100 or something, and Jack, who is clearly middle age when the series starts) as "older than 40" because when we meet them, they are so young. With them, even as they age in canon, I kind of feel like when you age characters in a story even though they aren't really that old in canon.


wisdomeagle August 25 2007, 06:29:19 UTC
If you wanted to write fic about Lionel -- Lionel having sex, Lionel masturbating, Lionel doing dishes -- there would be no complaints from this corner of the room.

I kind of feel that way about SG-1 too. Like even though they're technically over 40, they don't really count.


alixtii August 25 2007, 21:03:28 UTC
Spike and Myrtle break my brain since, at the end/current status of their canons, they are characters older than forty played by actors older than forty (using movieverse for HP, obviously), but there's a reasonable sense in which they have "younger" bodies (i.e. their bodies are presented as such within the text).

Mmm. Shirley Henderson.


hermionesviolin August 27 2007, 01:10:20 UTC
Moaning Myrtle is played by a grownup in the movies? I'm confused. I mean, I can't recall if the books ever say if she looks like a student or not, but it was very much my impression that she did (and also that ghosts in the HP-verse don't age in appearance).

Okay, I wikipedia-ed, and she does still look like a student, at least in that one photo, so that's comforting to me (though sucky for her if that's how she presents naturally, says me who hates looking significantly younger than her age). And was apparently 35-37 for the filming of CoS -- oh, but she's also in GoF, which came out 3 years later, putting her right on the cusp (since 40 is still not "older than forty").


alixtii August 27 2007, 01:42:26 UTC
S.H. is the oldest actor in the HP movies to play a student. I have to say I was a little confused as to what age she was intended to present as in her Doctor Who ep, too, but it is of little matter because no matter what she is awesome.

She's not in OotP? :-( *is slightly less interested in seeing the movie, eventually--but still interested, because, Maggie Smith! Helena Bonham Carter! So many others!*


hermionesviolin August 27 2007, 02:00:40 UTC
OotP's the first movie I've actually been tempted to watch since I swore off them after the first one (I didn't like it as an adaptation, and also thought it failed as a stand-alone movie), though I'm tempted because everyone says Luna's awesome in it, and I love her. I actually tend to forget that Moaning Myrtle was in GoF, though I liked her character well enough in CoS.


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