
Aug 18, 2007 09:54

I dreamt that I was Harry Potter. Only, not a black-haired teenage boy, etc., still me, only filling in my universe the same function Harry fills in his. It involved something about time-travel and needing to go back in time and discovering I needed to kill my younger self, because the evil wasn't external, it was me. (Or possibly, as the dream morphed, the kidlet.)

Then I dreamed that various characters had switched powers -- only it was more an AU where the powers were switched from birth, since (as I explained to my girlfriend in the dream) straight powerswitch, you still have however many years of character development with the canonical powers, but the alwayalready powerswitch, well, Hank McCoy's reaction to growing blue fur is going to be different from, say, William the Bloody's.

Xander got Warren Worthington's power. (YES I DREAMED WINGFIC.) Spike was running for President, which makes me suspect he got Sam Seaborn's power.

west wing, everything buffyverse, wings yes wings, harry potter, plotbunnies, dreams

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