[Below is c&p'd my current NoteTab .txt, written over the past two weeks or so.]
So, um, from somewhere inside the Grey's orgy (yeah, sadly not as much fun as it sounds like...) [spoilers through the end of S2, to be on the safe side]
"What Did I Do to Deserve This?" broke my heart into like a million tiny pieces and was quite possibly the best 43 minutes of television I've seen in like, ever months minutes! I also fell in instantaneous Callie-love, to the extent that we met her, and I thought, "Oh God, that woman is awesome and she likes George for all his awesome Georgeness and she sees him being awesome and butch. PLEASE tell me that woman is Callie!" And then she introduces herself, and she is, and I squealed like a girl.
This show is pure crack cocaine as good as I haven't had since I mainlined West Wing, and I adore everyone and all the girls and George and Cristina/Burke and just. God. Yay, new show. With awesomeness. And girls. SO MANY GIRLS OF HOT. (Addison is really hot, and Callie is my new best friend, and Izzie and Cristina are great and so's Meredith, but Bailey is still my OTC. Just sayin'.)
"George is her McDreamy." <3<3<3<3<3<3
[that wing thing] blow-by-blow
West Wing S6... finally!
I heard the theme music and my heart swelled. I'm Joss's girl through and through; BtVS is my favorite show in the world and Farscape the most artistically wonderful, but... West Wing has a place in my heart that's not going away.
What happened in S5? I have no idea...
[spoilers for S6 and minor for S7; if you've avoided the S7 spoilers, you're a better person than I.]
But that's what previouslies are for! Oh yes, "Gaza," which converted me to Josh/Donna...
6x01 "NSF Thurmont"
Teaser: In which I don't really remember what that female adviser's name is. In which CJ can steal my breath away, but I remember that there's no Sam anymore, and am a little saddened. The President reads the beatitudes and tWW can still do a smashing smash cut to credits. And we have to bomb Palestinians.
2nd act: Not terribly impressed so far; Josh and Donna definitely have the banter-UST-secretly-pining thing down cold. ♥ for that.
And it's over. International politics fail to enthrall me, but I got a really good sense of how dire the situation was, very tense throughout. Which is good but doesn't make for very fluffy TV.
I'd forgotten Debbie Fitterer. She's made of so much win? Yeah.
And Josh and Donna, fooling no one but themselves and themselves not very well.
6x02 "The Birnam Wood"
Okay, I need to say this and this above all: NO ONE does a smash cut to credits like tWW. And it gives me a thrill every time.
I had not remembered that CJ/Josh have the BEST hugs. It's why they became my OTP in the first place. :)
........ okay. I was so, "I'm so over this show." I was so, "This show has lost its touch." And then Leo in the goddamn woods, suddenly old, so feeble and frail, grey and broken, sobbing without tears and fucking having a heart attack, broke my heart into the million tiny pieces that only a grown man breaking can. And Josh called him. Because a man falls into a hole, you know...
I am not over this show AT ALL. More of that, please?
6x03 "Third Day Story"
Teaser: LEO.
Have I ever mentioned, like, just in passing, how awesome I find CJ Cregg when she's in control and smart and snarky to her boys and all? Really, not recently enough, huh?
Josh says Leo doesn't treat his body like a temple, and CJ confiscates his donut. And again, this is why they're my OTP. (And then he like, grabs her arm as they walk-and-talk. In an affectionate, friendly, "OMGTOUCHIES!" sort of way.)
AND THEN she makes the bet with him about food because "I want to see you live past the age of, you know, twelve?" And she'll cook him dinner wearing whatever he wants omgomgomgomg WHY IS THE OTP SO AWESOME? (I'm seriously insane about them. In case you didn't notice.)
Jed and his guilt=OTP.
(After mainlining Grey's for a day and a half, where surgery is sexy, it's really weird to remember that, oh yeah, surgery generally means someone is very, very sick. And I keep trying to imagine the Grey's doctors into that OR.)
Being spoiled for who the new Chief of Staff is, gotta say, is not hurting as much as it normally would because I am so excited about watching said person be competent all day while the boys run around in a dither.
Oh, hey, Donna is back and CJ is so glad to see her that there is hugging and kissing in the hallway. While Josh watches. Have I ever mentioned that this is sort of a secret OT3 of mine that I'd have shipped long since if there'd been any shred of canon evidence and now all of a sudden there is kissing in the hallway! Oh.MY.God. I love the three of them so much it hurts.
... I would have been a good deal happier unspoiled, I suppose, but. BUT. It's CJ Cregg. CJ Cregg. And I love her so much.
6x04 "Liftoff"
This episode began with a glimpse -- at a distance but a glimpse! -- of CJ Cregg without her shirt on.
BIG SAPPY GRIN ON MY FACE. My fictional girl is the awesomest fictional girl in the whole multiverse.
So awesome so awesome so awesome. Practical jokes for the win (I totally fell for it, too, because look up gullible in the dictionary and yeah), and Josh said she was one of his closest friends. :) <3
So I laughed myself giddy, then the serious started, and I love CJ so much. You know how some people watch The L Word with the sound off? That's kind of how I felt about the scene where CJ entered the Sit Room for the first time. Like... it was just. so. hot.
And in conclusion, I love CJ so much that I have nothing resembling any response to this episode beyond, "CJ!!!!" She's smart and funny and brave and vulnerable and she cries and she's tall and she talks fast and well and if she were real... well.
Also? I'm not really fond of Annabeth so far.
6x05 "The Hubbert Peak"
Totally enjoyable, and I've decided I really like Kate Harper. It's the femslash potential with Donna. And... Donna. Really. Donna. I'd missed her more than I knew.
CJ continues to woo and wow me, but that's not terribly surprising.
6x06 "The Dover Test"
Nothing particularly spectacular here. I was playing a computer game, which didn't help with my focus, but generally things continue as previously, especially the part where I want to bed CJ.
6x07 "A Change is Gonna Come"
I have to admit, Hoynes/CJ skeeves me more than just about anything else ever in tWW. As a result, even though part of me was hoping for drama!angst!woe!, I am mostly glad that it seems there won't be anything more about that arc in particular.
I'm really into Josh/CJ this season, and it keeps on delivering! This is one of those cases where it's unclear which came first for me, the subtext or the OTP, but when you have the OTP? The whole show is incredibly shippy. REALLY.
6x08 "In the Room"
Penn and Teller. Just burnt an American flag. In the White House.
I sometimes forget why I love this show, you know?
And then there's things like the end of this episode where President Bartlet you know, wheels himself into the press cabin. And then I go, yeah. This is my show.
6x09 "Impact Winter"
In which Donna quits, Bartlet overworks himself and negotiates a summit, and Josh starts working on Santos. I was sort-of spoiled for 2/3 of these things, but I'm still really. really. excited about this show.
6x10 "Faith-Based Initiative"
It pisses. me. the fuck. off. I'm sorry, but it does.
"I hate this issue. It's like walking around town holding a sick chicken." <-- spittake, choked to death. *love Toby*
Josh suggests Leo should come with him because Santos is the real deal. Leo: "I already found my guy." !!!!!
"You didn't answer the question."
"That's right; because it's none of your business." <3<3<3<3<3. Oh, CJ. You might be straight (I'm witholding judgement) but I LOVE YOU ANYHOW.
Santos's candidacy speech put a grin on my face. :)
All right, back to the... I mean.
Declarations of heterosexuality annoy me on the Doylist level. And what CJ said to Leo was heartfelt and honest and entirely consistent with everything that we've seen of her, and what she said to the press was so great that I fell in love with her AFRELLINGGAIN, but it's still so... I *want* CJ to be a lesbian so badly, and it's not that I want her, like the fictional Advocate readers in this episode, to be the most powerful lesbian in the nation, and it's not like there are particular femslash pairings to which I am devoted, and it's not really as silly as the ridiculous hope that she'll sleep with me, because I have no problem having crushes on straight women, real or fictional. (In fact I excell at it.) I think it's the more basic fannish part of me that hates the foreclosing of possibilities. On SG-1, I used to get upset whenever they'd shrug off random pairings that weren't The OTP -- not even like this, whole episodes devoted to Why It Couldn't Work, but throw-away, "Oh, of course I'm not attracted to him." I don't mind the existence of an OTP, so long as they don't actively refute all non-OTP interpretations.
On a shallower note, Josh on CJ's athletic abilities: "I've never been more attracted you." <3 They can seriously flirt ALL THEY WANT. I won't object.
Donna unpacking her boxes and smiling a little made me so happy. (And having, hem, certain spoilers for S7 ? Makes me feel slightly better about her leaving Josh. WHEN did I become a Josh/Donna shipper?
Oh yeah. "Gaza.")
6x11 "Opposition Research"
I was pleasantly surprised by this... I'd heard the "It's all about Santos; we don't care about Santos" problem with S6/7, and so was surprised to find that I really *do* care about them... mostly about Josh, but I care about Josh's investment in Santos's campaign. I'm a little pissed at Donna being a dick to him -- I know she's got a lot of pent-up frustration about this, but it feels like we haven't really heard what she's feeling, and as a result it seems like she's just being a dick.
And much as I care about Josh 'n' Santos, I'd like more than cameos from Washington. Also, I'd like there to be ANY CJ AT ALL.
... and then there were a hell of a bunch of episodes and they were great and there was CJ suggesting she and Toby forget they work with each other and Toby mentoring Oma Desala in a presidential primary and now we're at 6x19 and is that DON S DAVIS? Jesus frelling...! Which brings the number of SG-1 characters actors running for president to two.
Incidentally, I can completely understand how Kate Harper is more to many femslashers' taste than any other woman except CJ (per the sign-ups at femslashp07). I miss the core four being the core four. (I realize Sam's been gone for two seasons.)
I'm honestly excited about this upcoming election.
And Charlie is growing a mustache...
Then I watched The L-Word. [Spoilers for S1]
The L-Word, first episode:
I like it, but not as much as I liked Grey's right from the start. It's cracky, yes, and I like the characters, all of them, but the writing feels weak -- I come from the Gateverse, but I was weaned on Joss -- and the acting feels questionable, as in I'm constantly directing the actors on better line reads in my head.
But if I watched TV to be critical, then I wouldn't be me, so... character impressions.
Sumita asked my favorite, and I really can't say! My OTP is Marina/Jenny, and I love Marina in this context. She's just so cool and easygoing and doesn't flip out because Jenny's being a bit of a tease but realizes why Jenny is freaking out and doesn't rush it but lets her know, emphatically, that she is Still Interested when Jenny comes to her senses. (I feel from this summary of them you can probably figure out why this is my OTP.) But other than the obvious self-insert potential, I'm not really fond of Jenny. I mean, I get it, I do, but I would like to smack some sense into her. And I don't really buy her as a character, exactly. She's freaked and feels out of context, but... when she's with the dykes she's so talkative and opens right up. (It's like, she's like me in some limited particular ways; why isn't she the world's shiest babydyke too? Marina, just awesome, though.
I like Bette/Tina, Tina better than Bette probably, but both of them are awesome and I am pulling for them.
Dana is probably my favorite character overall, because she just doesn't. quite. fit. I love also that she's a lesbian and knows it (and slept with a counselor. That's like, total authority figure!) but still can't quite make it work. And has slept with exactly two women. Which is also exactly how many women I've slept with.
I like her friendship with Alice, too, because they complement each other so perfectly, and I like (but don't quite love) Alice and her relentless perkiness. And, of course, the chart.
Oh, and Shane. Not that we really saw a lot of her, just other characters' reaction to her, but I loved Bette/Tina's brief interaction with her towards the end of the episode, where she's heading home after a night out and sees that Bette/Tina have just had sex and gets all pleased and says it gives her hope, that they've been together so long, etc etc. It just. Oh, Shayne.
So, that's where I am. I should point out that I'm not fictional-crushing on any of the women. :/
Jenny/Robin/Gene need to be OT3 forEVER.
And. ANDANDAND. Dana/Alice made me squeal in the actual fangirlish eeeeeee! squeal way because they are BEST FRIENDS. And EEEEEE.
And Robin is totally the best. Jenny ceased to grow on me; I'm trying really hard not to hate her. (Mostly I feel she's a lot like me but not in ways that complement my good points.) She does have really good exactly my taste in women though. Marina is hot (manipulative, absolutely, but totally hot), and Robin. Just. OWNED ME. From the moment she was first watching Jenny at Dinah Shore. OWNED ME.
Dana is my favorite main character, still.
I like Shane, but I don't really buy her excessively strong feelings for her Hollywood wife. I'm glad the show went there; it's obvious that's the kind of arc they want to play with her, but I just don't think they sold the feelings. *shrug*
I could start doing a Dana/Alice chant, but that would just be pathetic. *g*
And then there was
this meme, wherein I name several pieces of personal fanon/canon for several characters, as requested.
1. It does go without saying that all my characters are fanonically bi, right? And I stole much of this fanon from fic I've already written. I mean, I guess that's what makes it fanon, right?
CJ Cregg:
1. Whenever she begins a briefing, she has a moment of sheer terror when she thinks the grace will run it. It usually fades.
2. She's happiest when she and doesn't have time to think, and she loves Josh because he makes her feel like that whenever they touch.
3. Now, at this age, she can't imagine not loving every inch of her body. She knows that the men she works with admire her, and she loves that, too.
Sam Carter:
1. She didn't buy the motorcycle because she thought it would make her look butch; that was just an unintended consequence. She kept it because for a few years, the only time she felt really at home in her skin was when she was wearing leather and curled into the bike. She still has it because one day she wants to take Daniel for a ride.
2. Before the Stargate program, Sam had slept with two people; one was Jonas, and the other was a woman.
3. Sam has had a pathological inability to cook since her mother died.
4. George Hammond has always been almost like family to Sam.
5. She's never thought of herself as Cassie's mother.
Jean Grey:
1. Scott Summers is the love of her life, period full stop, but somehow, that's never been able to stop her from being attracted to other people. It's stopped bothering her; she knows that at the end of the arc, Scott's the only one.
2. She dicks around with people's brains way more than she lets on. This, too, she is mostly okay with.
3. Secretly she thinks that her real superpower is the ability to keep Scott's issues in check long enough for them both to be happy once in awhile.
4. Xavier knows that's almost true, if you say Jean instead of Scott
Fred Burkle:
1. Fred's been an X-Files fan for longer than she can remember (since she can only remember back as far as Pylea). She was a Mulder fan first, would have been noromo if she hadn't been in a hell dimension for the duration, and is a little ashamed of how much she 'ships Mulder/Scully now. (Handsome woman saves him.)
2. What she missed most in Pylea, even more than tacos and pot, was wearing clean socks.
3. She once dreamed of building a perpetual inertia machine, sort of reverse perpetual motion, then realized God had beat her to it.
Toby Ziegler:
1. There are no situations in which Toby doesn't need words. No, not even that one.
2. President Bartlet is the first person he's met with whom his concern is that he write speeches worthy of the politician and not the other way 'round.
3. He adores Sam inside out, and wishes that Sam would rather write than be President.
George O'Malley:
1. Until Meredith slept with him, he really believed that one day he'd live the dream. Afterwords, he need(ed)(s) to reevaluate everything.
2. His three happy places are: a. Meredith's smile, b. the moments in surgery where instinct and adrenaline take over and c. the feeling of pride when his back's erect and he thinks he's done the right thing, just once.
3. He kind of secretly wishes that it were manly to realize that five interns on-call is kind of like a slumber party and that all they need is a pile of movies and a bowl of popcorn. He'd draw the line at nail polish, though.
4. Despite the potentially bi factor (see above) he'll never sleep with a man; six years of association "possible homosexuality" with wedgies and worse has permanately dismissed the possibility.
Keith Mars: (Three 'cestastic facts)
1. Some nights, he really wishes that Veronica had been raised by the Kanes.
2. Once upon a time, he really loved Neptune. Even though by any standard it's ruined his career, marriage, and reputation, he wouldn't hate it now if it weren't for Veronica, and his wish that he could've raised her to womanhood anywhere else.
3. He can't remember the day he stopped thinking of her as Leanne and started thinking of her as Veronica's mother.
And, now that I've accomplished that meme (FINALLY), name two+ characters from any fandom(s) with which I am familiar and I will tell you about the first time they kissed.
ETA: FINALLY got all the html correct!