[meme] not even a whiff of a promise

May 22, 2007 00:22

God, I hope someone is awake and memetic.

If you had me under your command and could make me write anything, regardless of whether or not I know the fandom or if anybody even writes fic in that fandom and no matter how crack-addled it might be,what would you love to see me write?

memes, plotbunnies

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Comments 11

squirrelyjones May 22 2007, 04:29:32 UTC
Ninth Doctor/Rose. OR Ninth Doctor/Captain Jack.


wisdomeagle May 22 2007, 04:52:48 UTC
Mmm aliensex.


carla_scribbles May 22 2007, 04:37:29 UTC
All the Laura Roslin femslash in the world. With power dynamics, and possibly spanking.


wisdomeagle May 22 2007, 04:48:30 UTC
One of these days! One of these days, I promise.


carla_scribbles May 22 2007, 04:58:54 UTC
And I will be patient, and not tempt you with screencaps like this



alixtii May 22 2007, 09:34:14 UTC
Joss/Summer, obviously. And/or I would sit you down and teach you to plot.


wisdomeagle May 22 2007, 13:18:12 UTC
I wrote you Joss/Summer at Christmastime. Joss was wearing a Santa hat and everything.

Of course, I wrote 9/10 of it only in my head, so maybe you have a point.

Plotting is *hard*. And also seems to require some sort of attention span.


alixtii May 23 2007, 00:56:21 UTC
Really? I'll have to go find that.

I'd make you write it under the hypothesized situation because othewrwise I'd expect it to squick you out due to the politics of heterosexuality involved--cf. your statements wrt: Joss/Amy in one of your commentaries, statements which still stick with me.

I figure anything else, I could probably convince you to write using the appropriate psychological techniques.

You know what? While plotting does require an attention span--or rather, writing the plotted story does, which is why I have plotted many many epics and written exactly one--I do think it can be taught. Whereas I don't think what you do really can.


wisdomeagle May 23 2007, 02:22:49 UTC
Since I know none of it made it online and I'm not entirely sure any of it made it to my computer, I wish you good luck with the finding. (I'll see if I can find the snippet, if it exists. It's not where I expected it should be.)

Joss/Summer does tend to squick me for exactly those reasons. Which doesn't mean I wouldn't write it.


jamie_dakin May 22 2007, 16:43:44 UTC
I just sort of need to write this down regardless of whether or not anything will ever come of it but - ASH and SMG.

Come on, a 6-inch rule?

And, well, because I'm thoroughly in puppylove with your Dan/Demi fic - Nat/Dan with one-sided jealous!Demi/Dan (or Demi/Nat come to think of it).


wisdomeagle May 23 2007, 02:36:03 UTC
Mmm, for the visuals alone. I will add that to my list for a certain evil RPF AU that I'll probably never write but that won't leave me alone...

Oh, the Dan/Demi! They are *heart* together, and it would be fun for someone to remix their relationships with Nat sexually. (That someone might not be me, what with the no promises, but both ideas give me interesting thoughts, so thanks!)


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