[netiquette] do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between ben and glory?

May 17, 2007 02:31

Could someone explain to me why, whenever the spoiler-debate emerges, pro-spoiler/anti-anti-spoiler people emerge who feel compelled to divulge common or serious spoilers -- the contents of Soylent Green, the climax of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the twist in The Crying Game, etc. -- without warning or context? It seems to me needlessly antagonistic and inconsiderate.

[see for instance the talk page on wikipedia's spoiler policy here. Unless you've managed to remain innocent about Fight Club, The Crying Game, The Sixth Sense several of Shakespeare's plays, HP book 6, etc. Though there are legitimate reasons for the discussion of The Crying Game and its twist, many comments simply contain gratuitous spoilers.]

[It occurs to me that, a year and a half later, it might be time to cycle out this icon.]

cyberculture, spoilerphobia

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