Title: "Spilled Wisdom"
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Featured Characters: Elizabeth Weir and Rodney McKay.
Do they (want to) have sex (with each other)?: My fic, so yes, but gen in the execution.
Rating: PG.
Spoilers/Timeline: Totally AU from sometime in S1.
Warnings: Apocalypse.
Disclaimer: MGM not me.
Summary: A symbol, resolved.
Words: A drabble is 100 words.
Spilled Wisdom
Rodney's dropped mug clatters on the floor, broken and bleeding coffee, a symbol of despair in this hour between five and six o'clock in the morning. Elizabeth doesn't have the resources to delegate, so she herself wipes rough terry on the smooth-polished Ancient floors, too slick and shiny, impervious to dirt and emotion, reflecting their humanity with the clarity of mirror-smooth glass. Elizabeth sees that Rodney's ferocious frown has softened into something sad and final; the equation won't balance, and Atlantis will fall. Resigned, she rights herself: if held high, their two heads, two hearts, could together restrain the floodwaters.