
Aug 30, 2006 18:57

From jedi_penguin, a fic of mine for each letter of the alphabet.

A is for Abominable, BSCxAtS, Fred/Janine
B is for Being Sound of Mind and Body, SG-1, Jack gen
C is for Chocovanilla, BtVS, Joyce/Olivia
D is for Draw Back the Curtain, HP, Hermione/Ginny
E is for Eves, AtS, Cordelia/Lilah
F is for Fantasia, BtVS, Giles/Wesley/Faith/Buffy
G is for Garret, BtVS, Olivia/Tara
H is for Highest Wisdom, Deepest Love, SG-1, Sam/Daniel/Teal'c
I is for Inevitabilities, SG-1, Jack/Daniel
J is for Jiggity-Jog, Buffyverse x Election, Tammy/Faith
K is for Korvish, AtS, Wesley/Angel
L is for Late Nights and Other Irrelevancies, HousexSGA, House/McKay
M is for Much Like Macedonia, BtVSxSG-1, Giles/Daniel
N is for Now We Are Six, Buffyverse, Buffy/Faith/Fred/Giles/Tara/Willow
O is for Over the Hills and Everywhere, SGA, McKay/Weir/Grodin
P is for Pinpricks, HP, McGonagall/Hermione epic spanking PWP, W(N)iP
Q is for Questionable Taste, SG-1, Jack/Daniel
R is for Remnants of a Whatchamacallit Evening, BtVS, Cordy/Harmony
S is for Slinky, Untangled, BtVS, Tara/Dawn
T is for Trick, SGA, McKay/Ford
U is for Undertow, VMars, Keith/Veronica. [Friends-locked].
V is for Vanilla Dare, BtVS, Xander/Dawn
W is for Weather Vane, SG-1 gen ensemble
X -
Y -
Z -

Weird! I was doing great until I hit that point.

Now you can suggest titles that start with X, Y, and Z, and I can write them, or flail about helplessly because I have been unable to write for four months. Whatever!

memes, titles

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