VMars 2x20 - "Who's Stalking Now?"

Aug 29, 2006 23:01

[spoilers for 2x20. Please don't spoil me past this point in the comments. You all know my VMars OTP* and so act accordingly, etc.]

Incest, yay!

I really just... am incapable of following the plotarcs of this season. I think they lost me around the time there were Irish mobsters in Neptune. Also, I don't really care, as I am Mostly In It For The Incest.

I am surprised and somewhat impressed by how I managed to be turned completely around on the subject of Wallace/Jackie since the beginning of the season; now I am all yay!OTP over them, and was squeeing delightedly at Wallace getting laid.

Mac and Madison speaking in unison is extremely funny. It made me crack up a lot. It makes me sad that Mac isn't keen on the whole being weird thing. Sigh. But she and V. have great chemistry. I was so convinced that the elevator going up to Alterna-Prom was going to stop and they would be forced to make out with each other. That would have been tragic, of course, but I could have lived with the pain.

I was spoiled for Veronica and the unspellable STD. But then, Veronica Duncan is VD and fandom has been saying that all along, so... yeah, I'm out. I'm glad that it was a "first two seconds of the episode" spoiler. Hee. It makes me so sad that Veronica can't tell her dad about it! I mean, because V. keeps so much from her dad, and I understand why, and also, STDs, gross, but... still! It's just one of the things that makes me sad-like, much like when Keith asked how the party was and V. was all, "Whatever," and Keith was like, "SIGH!" and read the newspaper.

Keith should save Veronica's life** at least once a season an episode. That would please me immensely. *sigh!*

Have you noticed that when Jackie is with her dad, her voice gets all soft and fluttery, and how she really cares about him, and how even though he hasn't been the greatest dad, she still loves him more than anyone else in the world, and how she totally ditches the newspaper because she knows it would hurt her dad unbearably, and how he tries to protect her, too, like by advising her not to fall too much in love with Wallace? You have noticed all these things? Aren't they great?

I was really, really not wanting Veronica and Logan to kiss. I suspect this was how I was supposed to feel, since clearly, Veronica did not want to be kissed, though possibly this had more to do with omg!venereal disease than Logan per se. (I mean, if a skeevy drunk rich kid who looked like Logan were trying to kiss me, I would be completely grossed out, but I am meant to understand that Veronica is Into That Sort of Thing?) I'm not sure. Still, Logan's line read like... very schmaltzy fanfic. "Ours is an epic love!"... "I'm wounded!" ... etc.

The ending was one of those things where I was convinced that something else had to happen before it actually ended, because as it was I was just left going, "Eh." Possibly if I cared about Logan/Veronica! Possibly if I were at all surprised that he's still sleeping with Cordelia Kendall. Possibly if I weren't secretly really overtly hoping that, against all odds, the rest of the series will be Mars Investigations - as seen on TV! The dashing Mr. and Ms. Mars - together, they fight crime! Why isn't the show more like that? Why? Why? And why isn't Stargate: Atlantis fandom all about the McWeir, and why isn't fandom writing me more porn right this very instant that caters perfectly to my kinks? Also, why don't I have a pony?

I think I am clear out of thoughts. Also, watching the wrong show.

** not that, like, her life was necessarily in jeopardy in that particular scene. I'm just saying, on principle.

*Hint: it's not Logan/Veronica.


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