1. Watched "Once More, with Feeling," "Tabula Rasa," and "Smashed." It made me giddy in love with them all all over again, especially Spike/Buffy which I actually, you know, don't hate in canon (at least, not in S6 canon.) I stopped the heroin drip because next up was "Wrecked" and because I wasn't really feeling the Trio-love, and because nothing could match the intensity of "OMwF" for me. Also, I missed Giles.
2. I'm experiencing a minor SG-1 renaissance in my head, but while attempting to think out fic last night, I caught my mental!Jack sounding too much like my mental!House. This probably means I need to try to watch some SG-1 before I try writing fic, which means asking my dad to baby-sit me downloading a codec.
3. No, really, I miss SG-1 all of a sudden! I miss Jack's gruffness and gentleness and Daniel's passion and Teal'c's quiet strength (omg! Teal'c/Tara! Theirloveissoquietstrength!) and I miss the desert and the dust and the shimmer of the event horizon and Sam's brain and the gorgeous gorgeous otteaminess of them. Also, I miss the boyslash. Do any other of you who're tri-fictional sometimes get strong cravings for one or the other? Like, I've been writing nothing but girlslash lately (and occasionally het), with
femslash_minis and
short_takes and mainlining WW (which is all about the het) and the BSC (which is all about the girlslash) and House (which is increasingly becoming All About Cameron and Cuddy for me) and I just miss SG-1 all-of-a-sudden!
4. The BSC fandom is the best because one of the main fannish OTPs is totally stepcestuous. Which isn't that unusual, I mean, Supernatural and Firefly, but otoh, it's a happy-giddy-girls'-books-series full of bestfriendsforever happy love etc, and then the stepcest! Crazy.
5. The sludge on the bottom of my coffee mug, which had coffee + coffee ice cream + instant cocoa, was really yummy.
6. Kink/Cliché is due in 4 days. *headdesk*
7. "vulnerability and bad kissing decisions" (Buffy in "Tabula Rasa") is perhaps my fandom motto. At least for today.