recpost: bsc

Apr 17, 2006 01:27

Okay, this is the lamest recs post in the history of the world.

I recommend the Kristy round mistresslist at short_takes. One of the fics is mine; I'm not going to comment on that, just say that the other 5 fics are fabulous. All of them. Totally fabulous. They are everything that I love about the BSC fandom and about fandom and about girlslash and about high-school fic. They are fics about Kristy, who's a lesbian. There is not a single whiff of WNGWJLEO. There are fics about Mary Anne, who is bad at lying, good at keeping secrets, is a lesbian, is straight, is broken with Logan, and loves New York City. These are fics about growing up and keeping your friends. These are fics about growing up and growing away from your friends. These are not fics about discovering your sexuality, but about knowing what your sexuality is and affirming it. These are fics about Kristy, who speaks and acts before she thinks.

I'm just... I'm just enthralled. The BSC is the best fandom ever. (I think it also might be a strange case of a fandom where, if you're reading this, it's too late to get into the BSC for the first time. I can't imagine being 20 or 30 years old and a first-time reader and really clicking with the text the way those of us who grew up with them do. This makes pimping kind of hard. But if you have the slighest fond memories of the BSC, please, play with us.)

recs, bsc

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