quickie house thoughts

Mar 07, 2006 21:57

Best bits:
+WARREN! Just need Danny Strong now and will be House meets Troika! *squeals* Was woeful he didn't turn out to be gay, though, because Busch playing a canonically gay character would have been the BEST THING EVER. Still, WARREN!
+"Don't you think that's a little manipulative?"
"No, it's a lot manipulative." Oh, House, I love you so!
+The bit where Cam was joyful that the girl had the STD.
+The bit where it was strongly implied suggested to my fangirl brain that House+Wilson have had an affair that was all about the sex.
+The bit where Wilson was all "Please can't we talk about this man-to-man" and House was like, "dude, you should've picked a different friend" and Ari was like, "oh, oh, OH! RSL's deep soulful eyes! *dies*"
+The bit where there wasn't any Stacy.

Worst bits:
+The commercial breaks! OMG, so lame!

Guy: *spazzes out*
House: This means... it's not an STD after all!
Music: Woeful and dramatic!
Cut to commercial.
Ari: So we're saying the first dramatic commercial break is at the point where we realize, to everyone's surprise, that the first diagnosis wasn't the correct one? The FRELL?

+The bit at the end. I could totally be sold! Really! But right now the idea of "oh noes Julie had an affair and Wilson's all woeful" just makes me giggle and not in an "omg so awesome!" way.

Gleee!, shower, tiny bit of PoA, then bed!

house m.d.

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