Title: "flight & drowning"
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: River/Kaylee
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox, and the evil cabal. Not me.
Spoilers/Timeline: Anytime before the movie.
Summary: Girls.flight.drowning.
Words: 384
Note: A poem of sorts. You can
hear me read it or read it yourself. Or both.
flight & drowning
Kaylee drowns when River drowns and River flies when Kaylee flies.
They slip inside the ship to make a home in her. Inside each girl there is a beating heart; inside each girl there is a thudding drum; inside each girl there is a woman to be born.
Inside each girl there is the other.
They live inside the ship and in each other's hearts, which beat forever in the thud-thud-thud of girls who know the meaning of a girl inside a girl 'long-side a girl inside a girl who slips her hand inside a girl who slips her brain inside a girl whose brain is full of girls and nothing else but girls.
The girl is River.
A river takes you down it makes you drown when you go down to find the river. The river runs away it runs forever 'long the shore and takes you with it. A river is an endless thing it rains in rivers floods from rivers. Moses had a river once and Jesus had a river too and though they are not shepherds they still know these things of rivers. They learn them in the doing, tasting, learn the rivers' ways their leaking seeping river-ways that run longside the everlasting way they float on rivers swim in rivers follow rivers down. When River drowns then Kaylee will drown with her.
The girl is Kaylee.
Kaylee flies like bird-on-wing like summer-sun like iridescent bubble-soap like winter's gone like summer's come like swinging on a tire swing forever. Kaylee knows why birds fly when the winter comes; Kaylee knows a girl's a girl until she flies and then she's like a woman. Kaylee knows that flight's a thing you find within the grinding cogs of spaceships, that flight's a thing between your wings, those long thin arms that crook and bend and fly away and take away all thoughts of home all need to stay and everything but flying. When Kaylee flies then River looks inside her.
Their insides and their outsides feel like summer and like winter. They're cold with heat and dead with life and all alone with longing. They fly and drown and twist and break and soft like flowers bend between each other's hands. They fly alone and drown alone and in the lonesome, knowledge.