No sleep tonight! Googled instead, as
viciouswishes told me she has it on good authority Ann is gay. Googling got me nowhere but back to TWoP and related discussions. One LJer's college professor, who apparently knew Ann slightly, apparently mentioned gayness in class, but I'm still hearing hearsay.
If I've learned anything, it's that Ann's not out publically - googling really does get me exactly nowhere more concrete. This makes sense, as Ann's audience is the pre-teen crowd and she started writing (and got unexpectedly famous) in the '80s. I do suspect, if she is gay, that she's not closeted per se so much as plays it close to the chest - a function perhaps more of her personality than anything? (Based on the Ari=Mary Anne=Ann equation). Her social agenda lies elsewhere, and that's okay.
But I'm still fascinated and I would tell you why if I could articulate it, but I think it comes down to the
hermionesviolin quote I have in my userinfo: "i like people better when they're queer."
But now I'm back to speculating on Smith grads who live in upstate New York with their many cats. Oh yes.