AtS in review: "Unleased"

Nov 07, 2005 00:35


So, like my fellow femslash_minisers, this week I'm rewatching "Unleashed," "Smile Time," and "Power Play" and attempting to get a firm grasp on Nina's character before writing my fic(let).

Only, now I want to end my personal canon with "Unleashed." Because... it's so cute! The ending! Them all in Angel's suite, Fred slightly tipsy, them all being loving-teasing-wonderful, Fred/Gunn/Wesley halfway to having a threesome ("you boys are making me hungry"), Angel thinking maybe he has a chance with Nina... which, awww, he so does.

+Looks a lot like Darla.
+Is really, really, really hot, and spends lots of time naked.
+Is cool because she's not vulnerable!waif!girl or strong!kickass!girl. She's just human. Hating what happened to her, refusing to be a victim, not above screaming when she's in trouble.
+Has no metaphor! I don't understand! What's she doing on AtS without her metaphor? She woke up one morning and discovered she [had an STD? Had a crippling disease? was insane?] The STD thing works better because of the guilt/immoral aspect -- otherwise disease-as-sin is not really a Thing. Errr. *confused* Sort of going with the alcoholic metaphor ("You learn to control it. I fight it every day.") but with the "I woke up and realized..." thing. But the endangerment of children, etc, it sort of works.

+I'm not a Spike/Fred shipper but aww. I love Fred protecting Spike and trying to save him and not getting all dramatic about it and still thinking after two years that Angel Can Solve Everything.
+is a "standard-issue science nerd"
+Should so have sex with Nina. Really. This episode was making me all "eeee! Fred/Nina!" Because, like Angel/Nina, they're sharing the "I was just normal until something REALLY HORRIBLE happened to me, but, you know, you survive."
+Is wonderful. Just wonderful. She reminds me of Kaylee (omg, why doesn't someone ship them? :p ), with the constant cheerfulness, and she's all stuttery and occasionally awkward but so grr!strong when need be. *loves on Fred*

+Is teetering slowly towards a nervous breakdown and is barely held together with dry wit and his crush on Fred.
+Is love.

+Is tired, so no more thoughts! Fellow minisers, have we Nina thoughts to share? *is fretful*
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